Why Freezer Club Works for Me

1 comment:

  1. Why Freezer Club Works For Me: Stacy. When we first started making freezer meals I was a few months pregnant with my second baby & feeling super sick. It was hard to do the every day things including making dinner. Freezer meals were so helpful,because they required hardly any effort to reheat & I was able to provide my family with a healthy meal. Months later when my baby was born my freezer meal friends made my freezer meals for me & brought them to me. This was immensely helpful with a newborn. My baby is now 6 months old and freezer meals still mean a lot to me as I continue to adjust to my life as a mother of more than one. Like April, I too enjoy Freezer Meal Club night as a time to interact with friends. It is nice to have a set time each month to get together and chat as we all work to make our meals. Also to be honest I am not sure I could find the time (or motivation) to make so many freezer meals all by myself. Many hands really do make light work & it is nice to be able to split the cooking, clean up, & cost between all of us. Now that I've been doing freezer meals for so long I'm not sure how I did it before & don't want to go back any time soon.:D
